




     今年的圍爈少了過往的歡笑,就連步調也少了過去的輕快;就如同平常日那般,其實也不然,甚至多了無以言喻的沉重,心碎的沉重。包了一個大紅包給老媽,原想讓她開開心心過個好年,卻因為她的走失而沒了歡笑;明天要早起去載客人的老媽,正躺在身旁的床上睡覺,真的入睡了嗎?I don't think so.被子裡的她一直翻來覆去,想必是還未入睡要不就是睡不好;我呢?等會兒打算把自己灌醉然後倒頭大睡,說得如此輕鬆,真的可以如此經易入睡嗎?無法言語的我,把手機關機來隔絕所有的交談,害怕自己失去控制,寧可將自己關在耳機中的世界,徹底的冰冷才能讓我calm down。

     Which song am I listening to right now? Joanna's song, Let's Start From Here. 這是唯一能撫平現在失落及心痛的一首歌,我們在等待她的歸來,並跟她說let's start from here and continue our own story。

Giving up, why should I

I've come to far to forget
We're beautiful, we just got lost

Somewhere along the way
So much was missing when you went away
Let's start from here, lose the past
Change our minds, we don′t need a finish line
Let's take this chance don’t think too deep
Of all those promises we couldn′t seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here

Standing here face to face
A finger on your lips
Don't say a word don't make a sound
Silence surrounds us now
Even when you were gone I felt you everywhere
Let' start from here, lose the past
Change our minds, we don′t need a finish line
Let's take this chance don’t think too deep
Of all those promises we couldn′t seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here
Let's start from here

I've never been the one to open up
But you've always been the voive within
The only warmth from my cold heart
Let's start from here, lose the past
Change our minds, we don't need a finish line
Let's take this chance don’t think too deep
Of all those promises
Let's start from here, lose the past
Change our minds, we don't need a finish line
Let's take this chance don’t think too deep
Of all those promises we couldn't seem to keep
I don't care where we go
Let's start from here
Let's start from here
Let's start from here
Let's start from here


Our baby, Mimi Ho,
    Where are you now? You must be taken away by other people which you are not familiar with. We know you are afraid of strangers. We are really sorry that let you undergo it. When you are scared, you always find a hidden place to cover you up. Your mama is really sad and heartbroken because of losing you, so do all of us. Staying optimistic is the only way to make us calm down. We don't need any other luxurious stuff to celebrate Chinese New Year, only want you to come back to be with us. As your mama said, your return is better than to win the lottery. We are looking forward to your return with the heart.
Love you, 
Your Sis.

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